Word given 1st Tamuz 5730 (23/06/20) and published on this website on 17th Tamuz 5730 (09/07/20)
“The LORD has said that you may be able to break a wooden yoke, but HE will replace it with an iron yoke.” (Jeremiah 28:13) I saw darkness, like a dust cloud. It made the coming winter cold and dark and longer. A long, dark winter, and cold. Then He said: "BUT TO MY BRIDE "Light dawns in the darkness for the upright - for the gracious, compassionate, and righteous." (Psalm 112:4) He is our Light in the darkness. That is how we can be light in the increasing darkness around us, because we are now in Him. The LORD wants me to say that if you are in Him, you do not have to fear the coming dark winter."
Confirmation Note added 31/10/20: During the 2nd US Presidential Debate on 22/10/20 BOTH candidates used EXACTLY the same phrase the LORD not only spoke to me back in the summer but also told me to underline above this way - "a long, dark winter" - when I published this prophetic word on 09/07/20. One candidate even repeated this exact phrase twice! Here's the conversation: Joe Biden said: “We’re about to go into a dark winter. A dark winter. And he has no clear plan, and there’s no prospect that there’s going to be a vaccine available for the majority of the American people before the middle of next year.” Trump responded by saying, “I don’t know if we’re going to have a dark winter at all. We’re opening up our country. We’ve learned and studied and understand the disease, which we didn’t at the beginning.” In addition, 10 days ago, on 21/10/20 CBC published a report that opened with this statement: "Psychologists have worried about the mental health toll of rising COVID-19 cases and tightened restrictions for months — add in the shorter days and colder weather of the approaching season, and we could be in for what one expert called "a long, dark winter." - Again, the EXACT longer phrase of words the LORD gave me, but remember, He gave them to me back when the sun was shining in June. When God speaks He's obviously always perfectly accurate because He's God, but I just have to make sure I'm listening precisely.
I feel like there's more to this and I'll get back to you as it is confirmed. But so far I think, and this is only my intrepretation which may be partial, all this is referring to the dust-particles of a worse pandemic infection? Or maybe, a very very difficult 'spiritually dark' winter with multiple layers of the LORD's judgment as He takes away His Hand of Protection over the ungodly world?
Confirmation Note added 14/02/21: Britain just had it's coldest winter in 60 years.
Confirmatin Note added 19/02/21: At least 2 400 cold temperature records broken or tied in the U.S. from February 12 to 16, 2021. Note the black outs in Texas during this week mean it is cold AND dark. There were also blackouts of the entire country of Pakistan on 09/01/21, and the Vatican, on the same day.