NGO Monitor

"The E.U. funding against Israel through NGO's - a Global Campaign."

Talk given in a Jerusalem hotel, May 2015.

Introduction from the NGO Monitor website: "The aim of NGO Monitor, as outlined in the mission statement, is to generate and distribute critical analysis and reports on the output of the international NGO community for the benefit of government policy makers, journalists, philanthropic organizations and the general public. We intend to publicize distortions of human rights issues in the Arab-Israeli conflict and provide information and context for the benefit of NGOs working in the Middle East. We hope this will lead to an informed public debate on the role of humanitarian NGOs.NGO Monitor's objective is to end the practice used by certain self-declared 'humanitarian NGOs' of exploiting the label 'universal human rights values' to promote politically and ideologically motivated agendas."


Talk: "NGO Monitor is a research-based group monitoring the political funding of so-called Non-Governmental Organisations.   We are based in the same building of Jewish Centre Public Affairs, J.C.P.A.

We have monitored what we call the Durban strategy, in N.G.O.'s seeking to delegitimise the State of Israel. This seeks to brainwash the world that Zionism is racism. It's a Stalinism technique, it's a Cold War phenomenon. Now we are seeing how soviet propaganda is taking on a life of its own in the 21st century network. The N.G.O. and B.D.S. network is extremely well funded from governments and churches, and is often misappropriated. We aim to cut off the funding from government funds to N.G.O.'s, so that they can no longer send out B.D.S. information into the press.

The funding from the E.U. to Palestinian areas got over 57% got more money than the rest of the Middle East combined. Palestinian N.G.O.'s got €11 million in 2007, now that's tripled. The E.U. creates the "European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights" in the Middle East. This is a highly prejudiced organisation. Then the E.I.D.H.R. creates a committee, then creates a call from that committee, i.e., "To boycott and divest from Israel as an apartheid state." (the Durban strategy.) But the whole process is a set-up.

One N.G.O., the Norwegian Refugee Council, has a budget of over £5 million per annum, yet in Israel they have a unique role of funding Palestinian claims against  Israel. [They do this to] to increase the workload in the courts and to cause a blockage in the Israeli legal system. We heard this in a closed meeting that we managed to hear.

BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT & SANCTION OF ISRAEL (B.D.S.) IN THE PEWS:  We have a specific organisation called "B.D.S. in the Pews", where we try to tell truth to the churches, because as Jews we see that B.D.S. is prevalent in the Christian church.

The B.D.S. movement seek to abuse the moral voice within the church to delegitimise Israel. Many of the churches fund this. There is lots of language that has a double-meaning.

93% of one of the anti-Israel N.G.O. B.D.S.  organisation's funding comes from churches!  What has happened to their theology that they would seek to undermine Israel?


We see the anti-Israel funding coming from these churches increasing, not decreasing (inc. Christian Aid) Their main target is to undermine Christian Zionism. There's something wrong my friends that needs solid attention.

This is an example of the wrong ideology in the "Christian Palestinian" movement, this is a quote from the Sabeel organisation, this is what they say, as "Christians": "The establishment of Israel was a relapse to the most primitive concepts of a tribal, exclusive God" - Sabeel organisation.

The World Council of Churches has become the chief clearing house to try to destroy the state of Israel. The heart of it is, "Why is the E.U. governments, just 70 years after Auschwitz, financially providing for organisations that have this ideology?"

We, at N.G.O. Monitor, want full transparency to follow the money, better co-operation with intelligence services, because a lot of people who work in these organisations are from Palestinian movements.

We need you to:

Hold your M.P.s accountable

Use social media to highlight this injustice

Go to the board members of N.G.O.'s to ask the relevant questions

But we're here not to get depressed but to take action to stop this. We need to disrupt the narrative, the twisted narrative, that Israel is vicious and the Palestinian's are the victim. The key is to know the facts and give the full picture."

Comments: This is a small extract of an incredible talk, packed with indesputable evidence of N.G.O.'s funding to delegitimize the State of Israel.  It is absolutely heart-breaking, that Jewish people are very aware that much of the funding to delegitimize Israel is coming from within the "church", that because of this they have to set up a specific department called "B.D.S. in the pews."      I highly recommend visiting their website, and using the many reports they so meticulously produce, to bring to attention this injustice against the one Jewish state in the world.

If you meet to pray for the Jewish people and for Israel please remember them. Much like Jonathan Schachter, both Yitzhak and Shaun appeared tired. As anti-semitism rises, I could only see their human efforts becoming more and more intense. Infact, as I listened to the sheer vastness of the financial figures of the N.G.O.'s that work against Israel, and the worldwide nature of this move, I saw a vision of a small man swinging at a monster that has so, so many multiple heads that he was never going to beat it. It was hopeless, even though he fought with such bravery.  I believe this is because the only true answer is to trust in Yeshua the Jewish Messiah to rescue and protect the Jewish people and Israel. The human mind will not be able to see, without the gift of the Holy Spirit, that the spirit behind this systematic anti-semitism, which is so full of "social justice double-speak", is a demonic worldwide power.  Fighting in faith, through prayer and action, is essential and can achieve much (James/Ya'akov 5.16) But fighting without  the Messiah will be exhausting and will never overthrow those that seek to destroy Israel and the Jewish people.  Please keep praying for the Jewish people!

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Yitzhak Santis & Shaun Sacks:


Chief Programs Officer and Europe Desk, NGO Monitor.